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Development Trend of Steel Barrel Manufacturing Technology

First, the tightness of steel drums can have a greater increase

With drums sealing technology improvements can be much higher , "zero leakage " quality requirements will be possible for improvement of the steel drum manufacturing equipment.

Over the past decade the development of drums from the situation , the quality has been no small improvement . However, due process and technology have not been thoroughly updated and developed , and the quality can no longer on the block times. Drums is the most serious quality problems leak , which has attracted the attention of experts many cooperage and research, but has not yet been fully resolved. Over the years, steel drums leak problem , I do not know how many times the accident occurred , resulting in a more serious environmental pollution.

The leakage is dominated by drums drums drums body welds and top with the bottom of the barrel roll package with quality problems caused . In recent years, five to seven volumes curling automatic seam welding technology improvements and the gradual application has improved the quality of steel drums , reducing the leak, but compared with developed countries , the quality is also far less than International Packaging and quality requirements. Currently , some countries have adopted laser welding technology welding seams all drums , steel drums to make anti- drop strength and resistance to leakage increased capacity than the original process twice more, which will make drums quality to achieve "zero leakage " possible.

Second, the barrel body welding edge treatment process continuous improvement

Production of steel drums barrels are welded edge treatment process improvements, not only to reduce environmental pollution, but also to improve process quality and productivity purposes.

Barrels are welded edge treatment is to take sides in a barrel physique welding seam welding pretreated before , its main purpose is to eliminate ride the edge of the oxide , oil , etc., in order to facilitate welding . The country is edging traditional process , which uses 4 to 8 groups butt edge grinding machine for grinding , milling process called cooperage industry . Milling process work environment is very harsh , and edging thickness unevenness and low productivity , often affect the quality of the seam on the drums .

In recent years, there have been several new welding edge preparation process, the new process has milling process, the cleaning process , flexible grinding wheel polishing, grinding edge technology , automatic high frequency welding technology . These processes have advantages and disadvantages , such as milling process, although less pollution, but the production is low ; cleaning process can cause new waste pollution ...... only automatic high frequency welding , butt edge treatment is less demanding, grind edge technology coupled with , productivity and quality are more ideal, but because of greater investment in the domestic use of fewer, but in the future there will be a larger development.

China is currently the traditional semi-automatic transformation of seam welding technology has matured, it uses the PC automatic control, with automatic positioning and conveying system, take the side of 3-4 mm to achieve the ideal , not only saves materials, energy , and improve the productivity and product quality, which in recent years steel drum seam welding technology is a big development .

Third, the steel drum coating process technology continues to improve

Steel drum coating process technology improvements , not only make the appearance quality steel drums have a big change, more importantly, save energy and reduce environmental pollution coating production .

In order to obtain a better appearance quality steel drums , steel drums are required for steel drums before painting surface , rust , phosphating and passivation chemical treatment ; in the coating process, the organic solvent spatter paint dry. These processes will produce large amounts of waste water , waste gas and waste residue , environmental pollution is very serious , but also endanger the health of the operator .

The new coating process to prevent pre- and governance -based, minimizes pollution of the environment . For example, using water curtain spray booth spray-on and good ventilation , for over- spray mist for effective recovery and disposal. For coating pre-treatment of waste water, and can be used in the method, the crystal recovery , solvent extraction , evaporation , oxidation-reduction, and in the tower ladder Governance Act and other technologies to effectively govern . For drying the exhaust gas , can be adsorption , absorption , catalytic combustion method for treatment. For waste, can be made into fertilizer or other combustion method for processing. Coating drying process has been gradually eliminated electric oven , from oil or gas oven replaced , greatly saving energy.

At present , domestic and foreign environmental protection coating technology has developed rapidly, have been widely used in high-pressure airless spray , electrophoresis coating , electrostatic spraying and powder spray coating technology with advanced features of mechanization and automation of a variety of pipeline coating method painting new pattern. The new coating process is rapidly expanding applications and constantly improve the development , environmental protection coating equipment continuously developed and put into production. At present, China 's coating technology is trying to catch up with the world advanced level , people's environmental awareness has also been strengthened , environmental outlook is good.

Fourth, steel drums significantly higher levels of coating technology

Since drums expand the scope of application and quality requirements increase, steel drums coating technology level needs to be greatly improved. Flexible liner technology will also become a popular trend .

Recent years due to large exports of domestic food needs, the demand for specialty steel drums upward trend , especially in greatest demand within the coated steel drums , mainly for export packaging ketchup , honey, applesauce and other products. However, the current domestic production , including painted drums technically still underdeveloped , unable to meet the quality requirements of users of the products .

Tu barrels production is to have a set of production technology and equipment , because it is dressed food, so the hygiene requirements are very stringent requirements for internal coating itself is also very harsh. China is now the level of technology and equipment , and the quality also varies within the coating , the need for large-scale research and investment .

In recent years , as some users barrel inner coating needs are not met, then switch to the barrel loaded bag packaging method , not only increase the cost, and the inner wall of the barrel plastic friction easily damaged, resulting in contamination of the contents . In other countries, the rapid development of a flexible lining steel drums . Flexible liner is divided into two : interpolation and lining. Interpolation is usually vacuum forming or blow molding, wall thickness 0.25 ~ 0.65mm, foldable . Lined with wall thickness 0.12 ~ 0.25mm, very soft . The use of steel drums lined specifically for the original purpose is to collect and control the barrel residues , which uses a relatively small amount of the barrier film to separate with the contents of the drums , the drums to maximize recovery and reuse for providing conditions, avoiding the the contents of the inner surface in contact with the drums , and enhance product safety and security , help the environment .

Five , the new steel drums leak detection technology

New steel drums leak detection technology, a passing rate of steel drums will greatly improve .

Drums of dangerous goods packaging requirements of international worldwide trend has been formed , and the drums of potential accidents and leakage means having packaged product liability . Obviously, the leak test on the production of high quality steel drums is very important, and strict quality control is more important. In this demand, new steel drums leak detection technology will be a breakthrough development .

Currently, a small amount in the international as well as domestic production kegs automatic production line has appeared drums leak detection equipment , but in 200 l drums and other large -capacity production of steel drums there is little application . Now more advanced technology is installed on the production line implementation of existing statistical process control (SPC) and quality management procedures and advanced leak detection equipment. Gradually promote the use of helium or pressure difference detector , so that the " missed " the number close to zero , so that the product reaches the factory drums 100% qualified .

Six , renovation of old barrels continuous advancement of technology

Renovation of old barrels technology continues to progress, not only conducive to environmental protection , resource conservation, but also for the further development of technology to increase cooperage momentum.

To ensure the sustainable development of steel drums and prosperity , we must smoothly and efficiently promote reuse recycle steel drums , steel drums was called the life cycle, which is in the near future drums industry generally concerned about social issues . In Europe , the United States , Japan and other regions , this cycle has gradually formed social system . Production plant, operators, recyclers and processors work in an orderly manner , so that the life cycle drums gradually realized.

In our country , there is no one decent recyclers drums , steel drums recyclers its existing technology and equipment is also quite simple, compared with developed countries , we are still very great distance , it is also very serious waste of resources . But there are a series of intermediate indeed we need to seriously address the issue . For example, there is no continuous source of old barrels ; has no viable recycling and reprocessing technology ; remanufactured drums have uses, there is a market ; whether better economic ...... But anyway, drums refurbished reuse benefits the country is definitely a good thing .

Seven , drums of waste recycling

Recycling of waste drums drums technological development will be one of the goals .

Has become unusable scrap recycling steel drums is not the same with the renovation of old barrels , it is generally not too complicated process, which is part of the recycling category. Generally speaking , for some good plate steel drums , such as galvanized buckets , etc. , can be used to carry out the old barrel flat chisel , the use of methods such as stamping make other products. But for most of the waste drums , the cast ingot to melt it is the main way . In actual recovery , some drums materials often cause problems . Such as recycling tinplate and galvanized barrel may be due to a small amount of tin or zinc, formed in the steel hardening, so after rolling create difficulties ; another example, in recent years, some people design to produce a pair of drums , some drums closure is the use of materials such as aluminum or copper , which gives recycled caused more trouble.

So drums packaging technology, take it into account the issue of recycling , which in the past was never , but in the future, this may be an important indicator to measure technical nature .


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